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Simple instructions for jump starting your Dreams September 5, 2006

Posted by sl4sp in Goals.

1.) Write down your ultimate goal. (Become CEO of a company, Spend 3 hours of quality time with kids, etc.)

2.) Break down all the little bits and pieces of the steps that you need to take to get there.

(Get a certain position, Commute less, watch less TV, exercise for 30 minutes every other day, etc.)

3.) Determine what you are willing to sacrifice everyday to attain this goal. (1 hour everyday, watching TV, Eating hoho’s, eating out everyday, sleep, quality of relationships, etc) (And if you aren’t willing to sacrifice everyday, it’s not a serious goal.)

Ultimately you sacrifice time, money, and/or effort. (Credit to Howard Lee) So pick your combination of poisons and go with it. I personally prefer time and effort because I’ve got nil in the bank right now.

4.) Make a final copy of all this in a nice chart. (I am not blowing smoke up your bum, I have done this myself)

Should look something like this:

Next Step to be taken

Ultimate Goal


5.) Put this puppy up somewhere you will see at least twice a day. This for many of you means your bedroom, near your bed, where you sleep, in your nightie. (I have mine on my closet door)

6.) Now as much as you possibly can, take a step towards your goals almost daily. Don’t feel guilty if you skip a day when you were absolutely strapped for time. It is at least in your face, so you’re aware the next step in your “journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.” (Wow. I ended with a quote. I actually learned something from English 10 enriched.)

Heck, all joking around aside, DO THIS. It should be a big paper thing. Right in your face and making it painfully obvious what you could do to get that dream car, job, or even life you’ve dreamed of for so long.

What have you got to lose? 2 minutes of your life? 5 dollars from the store? Seriously, if you read this blog post and choose to do nothing to get your life going in the direction where YOU want it to go, I am truly saddened. Don’t choose to brush this off like other things. I am not selling you a product! I do not make money whether you achieve happiness or not! This leads to something else I will probably blog about – The area between sub-par and painful that average people are trapped in.

Don’t make me sad. I believe all of us can achieve extraordinary things. Yuck. Mushy~ Ok, never mind, Writer-Audience moment over, back to your chairs and stop crying and hugging each other.

Ok back to the Steps…

7.) Next, work tirelessly towards taking a step in that right direction everyday. And when you lose sight of why you are making the sacrifices you are making, just close your eyes and imagine your life now that you have accomplished that goal. Whether it be driving that sexy car, with the new car smell or standing on the podium waving to the people, JUST ENJOY THAT MOMENT. And then you shall regain your focus.

I will cut it off here because this is the backbone of what I am using currently. It will make more sense as I elaborate more on the philosophical, emotional, and factual sides of goal achievement. You may not be able to remotivate yourself very well at this point, however, I will elaborate more on how to do that in the days to come. Don’t worry so much about that bump in the road that you have not even started down yet. 🙂

Another article I will soon write as well – Motivation – It is much like showering.


the Kev


1. tomr - September 9, 2006

I would not add the “sacrifice” line as it is too negative. You want results, not things to get you going down. Remember that when you’re trying to form habits or to changes things, you want to go from the negative to the positive, you don’t want to “sacrifice” anything good. You want to GET RID OF.

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